A Leader’s Fear; The 4 Keys to Addressing Issues, Your People, & Making Changes Like a Leader!

So many Employees believe those in Leadership Positions have no feelings, like or agree with every change the company issues, wake up wanting to ruin their People’s day, and enjoy having tough conversations and holding their People accountable. If you’re a Leader within an organization, you know how untrue these assumptions are! The truth is… many Leaders, like many people, don’t like confrontation, would rather not have tough conversations, and are more anxious about it than the Employee, because the Leader must plan to have it, follow-through, do it right, and get results!

Another truth is, many Leaders may be fearful professionally for a variety of other reasons… fearful to address an issue with their People or make necessary changes to processes, policy, and standard operating procedures because it may ruffle feathers, negatively impact revenue for a short time, upset a High-Performing Employee, go against a more popular and well-respected Co-Leader, cause more work on their end; adding to an already exhausting schedule, etc. The list can go on, but you get my point!

A question… would you have a tough conversation with your child to keep them on track, get them back on the right track, or correct a behavior that’s negatively impacting them or the household? Of course you would… you may not like it or be nervous, but you wouldn’t let your fear stop you from coaching, mentoring, explaining, and setting a new standard for greatness! In no way am I saying your Employees are children… but, they are someone you care for, are responsible for, want to see flourish, they are looking to you for Leadership through the good times and bad times! So, how do you do it?

R.A.S.E.! – Reveal, Accountability, Share, Explain

Most Leaders know the changes that need to be made, but the lack of “Reveal” kills any possibility of change or positive momentum… and gives “The Grouches” within your organization more power. For example, as a Leader, you’re aware your Direct Report tends to buck the system, and does things their own way, but they get results. You haven’t said anything due to impressive numbers, or you’re too busy, or you simply don’t feel like fighting with their ego. However, the Team they’re Leading has now adopted that person’s ego, their negative traits, feels entitled, operates as a completely separate entity from the company, and defies your feedback, company standards, expectations, and standard operating procedures.

Another example and something I experienced personally… a new regime of Leadership changes above you. There’s been little to no warning, no meeting, and the new day is suddenly upon you. There’s been no meeting to discuss the new vision, ways to get there, upcoming changes in philosophy or protocol, and BAM things are happening that you dislike, disagree with, and negatively impacts how productive and successful you can be ay your job, your passion, and your career. In both examples, “The Reveal” would have been helpful for both Leader and Employee!

Reveal – In my Trainings with Leaders and Companies, I talk about H.U.R.T. Leadership; we don’t always get to Lead when we’re at our best or our People are at theirs. The R. is for “Reveal” and the notion at some point you will have to reveal that it’s a new day! When there’s a policy change, SOP (standard operative procedure) change, an authority change with a new Leader/s coming in: Thank your People for their efforts regarding “The Old Way” and taking the company to the heights they are now, share the new vision, why and how the new vision will impact them, the company, and customers/clients now and in the future, when “The New Way” is starting… and most importantly, the expectation of how to handle change.

In my former career as a Mental Health Therapist, when Leadership changed above me, there was no reveal and the sudden culture and protocol changes were a slap in the face! Yes, I could have handled it better and Led more valiantly from the middle by proactively requesting to meet with my new boss/es. These are things I get to now teach at my trainings and speaking engagements. At that time, my emotions won and I quickly burnt-out of a career I thought I’d retire from. This process I’m sharing with you would have helped. I don’t know if it would have changed my professional course, but it certainly would have made the writing on the wall clearer to read; allowing me to make a career decision to stay or leave.

As Leaders, when we do this process, we give our People a choice to stay or leave as an asset. Without the process, they tend to stay with you as a liability or eventually leave as a liability… Be Mindful! Sometimes “The Reveal” will free you and them… A truth I learned in business many years ago, not everyone that starts with you gets to end with you… and that’s OK as your business, their current professional path, and their personal lives operate in seasons and reasons. As a Leader, it’s our job to be aware of that, accommodate that, and Lead accordingly!

Here’s an example of how to reveal a new day in your Team or Company:

When sharing a massive change, I’ve found it best to Thank Everyone for successfully getting us to where we are today, sharing the what, why, how, and who of the new way, the starting date of the new way… and finally… “I know this is a BIG change and it may be easy for some and I’m thanking you in advance. For others, this may be difficult. The train is leaving the station, and we want all of you aboard. When you have questions or need to vent, please do it with someone who can help you… a Manager, a Supervisor, or Me… not to a Coworker only to send you back to work or home super negative. We need The 3P’s moving forward: Positive, Passionate, & Productive. For me, when you have questions, have an idea, or simply need to vent it’s best to email me, start the email with  __(first sentence you know will get your attention)___, share your suggested solution, and please share what else I may need to know such as: what other departments may be involved, how much money will your idea cost, etc. Supervisors, please share your “Leader’s Blueprint” on how to best be approached with your Teams and Employees. Thank You all for everything you do and helping us to get to where we’re headed”.

Feel free to change the wording to make it your own. The point is to Thank your People, be aware that change is difficult for some, and give them a blueprint for venting, gossiping, and asking questions. They’re going to do it anyway… let’s help them do it professionally and like a Leader to best impact the organization and your customers/clients!

Accountability – This is going to hit hard… ready? Whatever negative thing your People are used to doing… it’s your fault! Whether you didn’t know about it or knew and ignored it for all the reasons that make you feel better as a Leader… I was too busy, the numbers were good, etc… their habits, good or bad, are up to you! Therefore, when we reveal that It’s a new day, it’s imperative we accept full responsibility for what has been allowed, possible reasons it was allowed, and that things are changing starting NOW or when the new procedures are finalized.

Share – This refers to sharing “The New Way”. Please don’t ask someone or a Team to stop doing something then give them no preferred way to do it instead. That’s not fair to them, terrible for your Leadership, and their Leadership & Work/Life Harmony. A collaborative effort may be helpful… discussing the benefits of the new way, perceived obstacles, and what each Leader or Team likes or would fine-tune to help get out of theory and into real-company application, and move forward from there.

Explain – Now it’s time to gather your organization, you Team, or your Employees individually to explain the time is NOW to implement the new way! Yes, all three will need to know (in the order you see fit) to best impact your organization. You know who will need 1-on-1 time to adjust to the new way! Team buy-in is massively important, and the entire company must be on the same page… multiple points of contact are essential and now there is no doubt everyone is aware and ready as the train leaves the station!

Deposits in the Bank!

The remaining 3 Keys to addressing issues, your People, and making changes with less fear focus on making enough deposits in the bank. Our connection with our People makes transition easier. Millions of employees don’t like their job or could make more money elsewhere… but enjoy, respect, and connect with their Boss; so they stay… be Mindful!

Deposits in the Bank refers to your Personal Leadership; how you walk into the office and virtual calls… smiling, greeting, and being curious about your People! Why are they still at the company working with you and for you? How can you help or at least inquire and support their dream? Are you mentoring, coaching, having your 1-on-1 Meetings? I often share The 7 Professional Languages of Leadership… are you speaking their current Top 2 Languages? Have you asked them annually their Professional Language? Nichole, my Assistant, is the best Assistant in the world… her Top 2 Languages have changed four times in the past four years!

The Leader’s 7; The 7 Professional Languages of Leadership

Goodie-Time, Quality Minutes, Recognition & Affirmation, Knowledge and/or Advancement, Incentives, Flexibility, Respect


You asked your People to come to you when they need to vent or share ideas… Remember? When they come, do your part and LISTEN!

  • Make time or set time aside to LISTEN without your computer monitor on, your phone in your hand, and preferably away from your big distracting desk!
  • What are they right about?
  • Do you know your Leader’s 3: Your Vision for your Team or The Project and your Vision Factors – the 3-5 things that when done consistently the vision has to come true, Your Expectations, and your Rules? If you don’t know, how are they supposed to know and stay within those parameters? When you know your Leader’s 3, you know what to say “Yes” and “No” to… making your ”Yes’s” powerful and your “No’s meaningful… Be Mindful!!!!


All of the keys I mentioned are important; the truth is… you can make mistakes in the first three keys, but if you don’t follow-through… or take too long to follow-through on whatever you introduced, none of it will work, and your Leadership will be tainted!

When you’ve revealed the new way and there are still people doing it the old way or “Their Way” it’s time for a tough conversation and you must not let fear win. Does this person understand the new way? Make it clear what the new way is and what’s to be done? If the new way is not done the next step will be your company’s disciplinary process, possible role changes, or termination.

I teach Empathic Leadership, not Soft Leadership! Remember your job as a Leader is Connection + Results… and when both of them aren’t happening due to the will of a Direct Report or Employee, they may be a better fit for another company doing things the way they prefer and can excel. You now have an open spot for a professional willing to do things the new way…  and best believe, your People are watching and now fully understand the train has left the station.

What was your Biggest Takeaway? What will you apply NOW; enhancing your Leadership & Work/Life Harmony…and that of those you’re Leading?

“When you know your Leader’s 3, you know what to say “Yes” and “No” to… making your ”Yes’s” powerful and your “No’s meaningful… Be Mindful!”

                                                                 – Andre Young

Written by: Andre Young

Ready to impact your Organization, Leaders, Teams, and Employees with Leadership & Work/Life Harmony Trainings or a Speaker? Click www.youevolvingnow.com to connect, chat, and customize with Andre Young!