A Leader’s Greeting; The 3 Keys to Greeting Your People Like a Leader They Want to Follow!

I debated writing about the 3 Keys to Greeting Your People Like a Leader, until I realized I suffered the indirect impact of poor Leadership Greetings and as I conduct Leadership Trainings worldwide, all hands go up when I ask Leaders if they’re busy. Therefore, sometimes, it’s necessary to get back to the basics! Many Leaders identify as the “Inspired & Motivated” Type of Employee with a “Zoned-In” Workstyle… which means they typically walk into work or attend virtual calls with “Their Busy” in mind; either one-track-minded with a problem-first mentality or dragging themselves in already beat-up by their “Busy”. Both are understandable, but neither are helpful, influential, impactful, or helping to protect their People!

A quick question, how would you like to be greeted when you return home from work? Whether it’s to your significant other, your kids, or your pet… how would you like to be greeted? I’m assuming you’d want that person or pet to be excited to see you, in a positive mood, curious, and somewhat affectionate. Now, I’m not suggesting you be affectionate with your Employees and end up in HR, Lol, but you get my point!

We have two jobs when greeting our Employees… one, it’s our job to make them feel seen, valued, and important! Do you know how many people in this world don’t feel this way in life, in their relationships, and in their homes… but YOU have the power to make them to feel that way within minutes at work! I once had a coach see me in the hallway and never acknowledged my existence. I saw him see me… and still nothing. Who do you think I was playing for after years of that… me or him?

Your second job when greeting your Employees is to sell your position. I once had a Boss drag himself into the office every day, literally sighing, stomping his feet, and looking burnt-out. I’m sure he had good reasons for it… some probably not even related to work. However, when he asked if I’d like to be promoted to take his place, my answer (in my head) was the quickest NO on the planet! I thought to myself, if the job makes you look like that, “No Thank You”! Also, if the company is OK with you entering like that on a daily basis, “No Thank You!”.

Remember, your People are always watching… and they talk about you when you’re not around! It’s your job not only to communicate, connect, build other Leaders, and get results… it’s also to sell your position. You can’t get promoted or effectively take vacations when no one can do what you do or wants to… Be Mindful! So, what are the common-sense and easy-to-apply concepts to Greeting Like a Leader?

The Simple-Stuff!

  1. Eye-Contact

Getting back to basics starts with eye contact! Never underestimate the power of eye contact. I don’t mean lingering creepy eye contact; again… do not end up in Human Resources because Andre Young told you to make eye contact, Lol!

The truth is, do you know how many people in marriages aren’t getting meaningful eye contact from their partner, from their kids, especially their teenagers! With the disturbing amount of cell phone use; people can be in the same space for hours and have no meaningful eye contact. But, your People can get it from you as you walk into the building or the office. Eye-Contact says you see them and they are more important than the emails on your phone, that call you’re on, the planning of your “Busy”, and that hectic morning you had… I could go on, but you get the point!

  1. Hello and/or a Tagline!

Eye Contact without saying a “Hello” of some sort would just be weird! Therefore, you must say something. At the most basic level, “Hello” is a wonderful start. When I was an employee, I remember parking my car and counting “The Zombies” from my car, to the street, to the building, in the elevator, and into the office. “The Zombies” were the men and women (some of which I worked with) shuffling, head down, not saying anything, and looking like the walking dead to come to work to give you their best!

Making eye contact and saying “Hello” is a start. Developing a tagline takes it to another level! I’m sure my Team and Friends can tell you my Greeting Tagline… “Happy Monday, Tuesday, or whatever day it is”! It’s simple, positive, can act as a mood changer, and can help very quickly evaluate the person you made the comment to. When I say it, most people will smile, giggle, and say it back! It’s a reminder that “Happy” is a choice and the day can be whatever you like. Not to mention, a smile in the morning can positively affect a mood and their day. Rember, most people start their day consuming the doom and gloom of the morning news, brain-rotting content on social media, and dreading their workload upon entering work… and here you are with the first positivity of the day, making eye contact, smiling, and greeting; or via text or email!

Yes, there are a few people who won’t even crack a smile when you say “Happy Monday” or whatever your tagline is and everyone may not like or trust your positivity. No Worries… you stay consistent and remember, you’re not for everyone. However, when “The Grouches” need something positive, need help, finally want advice, or to ask a question professionally or personally… they will come, and they will come to YOU! As a Leader, it’s your job to still EXIST and BE GREAT when the Non-Ready get ready… Be Mindful!

  1. A Scheduled Path!

I often teach A Leader’s Visit during my Evolve & Lead Training Programs for companies and although there are four parts to it… the first key is the simplest and one of the most important. As a Leader, the best way to greet your people is to have a scheduled path to your office.

Many Leaders come to work, enter the building, and get in a track stance to see how fast they can make it to their office without being seen or asked a question! I get it… you have lots to do, not a lot of time to do it, fire after fire to put out, and let’s not forget your seventeen meetings. However, it’s hard to get the results you desire without enhanced communication and connection that drives organizational culture.

Therefore, the first few minutes are not for you when you arrive at work! Depending on the size of your Team, the first thirty minutes or more may not be for you. The goal is to have a scheduled path you take to get to your office; and it’s never a straight line… for two reasons! One, you may not get to see everyone. Two, people may think you’re too busy or upset… and “Upset & Busy” Leaders don’t get all the information, get lied to, problems get masked, and more surprises pile up… Be Mindful! Therefore, create a path of “Hellos”, Good Mornings”, and “Happy Thursdays” to the point your People can predict where they can intercept you! It doesn’t have to be long and drawn-out conversations; however, it must be consistent! Have you ever had someone say hello to you on Monday but not on Tuesday, then on Wednesday but not Thursday? It’s enough to drive you crazy, wanting to fight, then numb and resistant to them for eternity.  It sounds funny, but true… Be Mindful!

What if you’re remote? The first 5-minutes of your virtual call matters, therefore make it about your Team! Eye Contact means video is on and mandatory. Yes, your People may gripe as they want to multi-task, but that’s not what we’re doing. Open the meeting with your tagline and greeting. My most significant connection method is The P.O.W., Positive of The Week. As a Leader of the Team Meeting, YOU go first and share your professional and personal positives for the week, and select 2-3 people to get theirs ready while you’re sharing; allowing them time to think and a blueprint of how to answer. Set a timeframe of 90 seconds each for them to share. Lastly, institute a rule for people to applaud after someone shares. Let’s face it, I don’t know anyone returning home or to their living room to an ovation… you get to give and be that gift! I know we’re all busy… unless it’s a crisis, we cannot let ourselves be too busy for these magical 5-munites that will bond and connect you and your Team quicker than anything else!

Lastly, knowing your People’s P.O.W.’s will allow you and the Team to know what to talk with each other about outside of work-related topics; allowing you to enhance your GREETINGS altogether!

People-Care Committees!

I often joke I’m a great connector, however I have a Best Friend that’s a community builder… two really different things. I love chatting with People and my Greeting is on point! However, I must confess… I don’t know when my best friend’s birthdays are, I’d struggle to tell you when my wedding anniversary is, and if my Marriage, Leadership, and Friendships were based on me remembering those things… I’d be in a lot of trouble. Whereas my friend can stand next to you in line at a store, meet you, become best friends, be invited for Thanksgiving Dinner at your house, and his family and your family WILL become best friends… with birthdays and anniversaries locked and loaded!

As a Leader, if you’re more like me than my Friend in this fashion… I’m sure you’re nervous that one missed Birthday Shoutout will professionally destroy all you’ve worked to build… it happens! Therefore, create yourself a People-Care Committee! Depending on the size of your Team or Organization, you may have some wonderful “Connector or Community Builder Types” who would love to be in charge of Birthdays and Work Anniversaries Shout Outs, Achievement Awards, Gifts, and Company Swag. The People-Care Committee tends to be good/great at their job, but they really get a kick out of doing this part! As a Leader, please be sure they have the bandwidth to do so… work still must get done and as the company grows, their bandwidth for this may not. So, what to do next?

Automation & A.I.!

One of my goals as a Professional Speaker, Author, and Leadership Trainer is to create an avatar of myself to be embedded into an organization’s infrastructure; blending my Leadership Concepts, their mission, their policies, and their People-Care! If I can do it, you can do it… at the minimum automating acknowledgement of your people via emails, text, slack, or whatever communication you desire. At the maximum, personalizing an artificial intelligence tool to care for your people: greeting them, celebrating them, and sharing information in a more entertaining manner. My Team is more qualified to go into detail, but you get the point and I encourage you to take advantage of it! Remember, this DOEST NOT replace YOU, rather acts as a bonus to you!

You just read, A Leader’s Greeting! What was your Biggest Takeaway? What homework are you giving yourself to implement tomorrow as a new tool in your Leadership Toolbox to best impact, influence, and protect your People?

“Remember, your People are always watching… and they talk about you when you’re not around! It’s your job to not only communicate, connect, build other Leaders, and get results… it’s also to sell your position. You can’t get promoted or effectively take vacations when no one can do what you do or wants to… Be Mindful!”    – Andre Young

Written by: Andre Young

Are you looking to impact your Organization, Leaders, Teams, and Employees with Leadership & Work/Life Harmony Trainings or a Speaker? Click www.youevolvingnow.com to connect, chat, and customize with Andre Young!