Are You Wearing Blinders?

Sometimes… you lose your way. Other times… you lose yourself and who you are. How the heck does that happen? The answer is… blinders! Think of the blinders used for horses; they are extremely useful in helping to block out distractions, keep the horse forward-focused, and getting to a destination in an effective and timely manner. However, they’re positives and negatives to everything…. Blinders don’t allow for the whole view, only keep you forward-focused, and leave you dependent on strict guidance.

The interesting thing about blinders is… the horse didn’t have a choice… you do! Many people are blinded by their dream and passion for their definition of success, their career, their role as a mother/father, or whatever role they deem as most important to them. Your persistent dedication, commitment to this given role, and constant forward-focused attitude will most likely reward you with a sense of worth… as well as a plethora of reasons why you need to continue. However, as with the blinders… with the positives come the negatives. While wearing blinders, you will struggle to see the whole view. How has your passion, commitment, and constant forward-focus impacted the others roles you play as a significant other, parent, son/daughter, friend, etc.? Has your constant forward-focused pattern allowed you time to relax and enjoy all of the other things life has to offer? Should you only be governed by only one role you play… that you deem so important? Finally, is forward and full speed ahead the only direction you could or should take in your passion… there are many roads on the path of your life. Another road may prove to be a great, better, or healthier option.

Blinders have an uncanny ability of putting you in a box… making you identify yourself with what you do. You later may derive all of your self-worth from your successes or failures related to this role. I encourage you to read those two sentences again… this cannot be the way you want to live! YOU are more than what you do for a living and YOU are certainly more than one role you play. YOU are an individual, a son/daughter, friend, partner, parent, and more. These are the roles that suffer with your blinders on. Take them off… see your world, explore your roles, find and create YOU, and give to those that need, want, and miss you!

Your passion may be your idea of success. I may even be your idea of fun. You may enjoy your position and the duties that accompany it… beware the power of the blinders… as they can rob you of YOU; finding yourself lost and asking… “Who am I?”. “What do I like to do?”. “Who can I do it with?”. Have you been there???

When you are lost… it’s important to identify your “blinders”. This part is tricky, because you may not be able to see it; as you have justified, minimized, and rationalized wearing your blinders for so long. Listen to those around you without defensiveness or judgment. Those close to you have an objective view point, hopefully your best interest in heart, and want to spend time with you the most. Explore your definition of outside of your blinders and comfort zone. This is a time for experiences and an opportunity to create a newer YOU. Create balance in your life and your daily schedule: things you must do, things that will benefit you long term, time spent with special people, and relaxation. At first, it may be as difficult as it sounds… in time it will become a habit and a part of what you do and who you are. Enjoy your evolution, Happy EVOLVING, and share your thoughts at

written by: Andre Young

Are You Wearing Blinders? - Andre Young