Loyalty is a Two-Way Street
Loyalty is a powerful word and defined in the dictionary a strong feeling of support...
Over the past few years I have made a disturbing observation that both frustrates me...
Listen Up!
It never ceases to amaze me how quickly and easily people can gravitate to negativity...
Don’t Let Your Job Kill Your Dream!
If your current job is your passion you are living the dream and great for...
Most Aren’t Lying to You!
The beginning of a new venter, era in your life, and relationship is exhilarating! Sometimes...
The Power of the Shovel!
As a young teenager, I was in love with basketball; with dreams of playing in...
Take it Slow?
I recently overheard a group of people talking about their relationships. One woman stated she...
Too Independent?
Can you imagine your boss or job telling you to your face “We don’t need...
Single-Parent Living
Single-parenting… literally the hardest job in the world! I remember my days as a single...