Be a C.E.O.!

What comes to mind when you think of the title CEO? Some think the fitted suits, board meetings, managing, and money. Hollywood has depicted quite the picture of what a CEO looks like… and this may be true in some aspects. Other CEO’s may wear jeans or shorts and look nothing like the picture you have in your mind. The truth is… it doesn’t matter what a CEO (Chief Executive Officer) looks like… what matters is how they lead, the impact they make, and the progress achieved due to their existence, knowledge, and various efforts! The great this is… you can become a CEO today… right now!

Success as a CEO begins with your ability to lead… and that starts with being able to lead yourself. I encourage you to become the CEO of your own life! Take charge and build YOU to your best self, health, wealth, and lifestyle at home, work, and in your relationships as a partner, parent, son/daughter, brother/sister, friend, etc.! That’s a lot to take in… so where do you start?

Think and live C.E.O.; Care, Embrace, Operate! Growth is greatly stunted with of care; and greatly enhanced in the presence of care. You must begin to care about YOU! Invest in yourself by brainstorming your dream… as an individual, a parent, a partner, professional. Build your confidence and a team around you to motivate, inspire, and hold you accountable. E – Embrace the obligation and duties of your dream. Being a CEO has its perks, but the daily grind of focus, managing, problem-solving, and connecting are exhausting. Embrace the daily grind that will make you successful: waking up earlier, reading more, learning more, going back to school, learning how to relate more effectively to others in your life, etc. Whatever the grind is related to your dream… embrace it until it becomes routine and more easily conquered. O – Operate! This is the action phase of your success. Caring and embracing are mental and emotional obstacles… Operating is doing! Schedule your day, create a list, check things off… focusing on daily growth as well as vision and plans for the future. What is your vision for your life five years from now? Does your daily operating agenda address this vision?

Become the CEO of YOU today; begin managing and building your life, your dreams, and your future! Share your thoughts at Happy EVOLVING!!!

Be a C.E.O.! - Andre Young