
Not a Salad Bar!

Remember when you first met your significant other. The spark, the intrigue, the butterflies. These are the times to remember later in your relationship when you are in a rut, frustrated, or contemplating ending it all! It never ceases to amaze me how entitled we become and justified in our thoughts, feelings, and actions towards […]

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Bookend Your Day!

I recently spoke with a gentleman who was having a bad morning… he grouched, “I’m having a horrible morning and in a bad mood… you know what that’s like”? My initial thought was, “No”, but I didn’t want to seem as if I was better than anyone else and I also wanted to give it

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Loyalty is a Two-Way Street

Loyalty is a powerful word and defined in the dictionary a strong feeling of support and allegiance. What does loyalty mean to you? Are you usually the one asking people to remain loyal? Or, are you usually struggling to remain loyal? Once committed to an endeavor, team, or person… loyalty is a platinum quality along

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Over the past few years I have made a disturbing observation that both frustrates me and fuels me. I encounter countless employees, at their place of business, that act as if they were awakened at gunpoint to come to the job that they applied for. This spans amongst all professions; doctors/nurses, retail, check-out clerks, etc.

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Listen Up!

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly and easily people can gravitate to negativity. Of course this doesn’t apply to everyone… but, ask the majority of people, “How are you doing”… and let the complaints and grief begin. It usually begins with how much they dislike their job, the weather, or their relationship… and

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Most Aren’t Lying to You!

The beginning of a new venter, era in your life, and relationship is exhilarating! Sometimes to the point of paralysis, caution, or intoxication. You may become swept away with the allure of an individual, the endless possibilities, and the bliss of newness! Yes… it’s a wonderful time to cherish, remember, and build upon. However, and

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The Power of the Shovel!

As a young teenager, I was in love with basketball; with dreams of playing in the NBA. I could envision myself dribbling down the court, making moves, and being great! I went to practice, played in games, and daydreamed as may kids do. Until one day… it was winter, cold, snow all over the ground,

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Take it Slow?

I recently overheard a group of people talking about their relationships. One woman stated she was in a new relationship and they decided to “take it slow” because both had been through pain and hurt in the past. My initial thought was… “good for you”… my initial feeling was sadness for their past and; but

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Too Independent?

Can you imagine your boss or job telling you to your face… “We don’t need you”. “We would be fine without you or better without you”. “We made it this far without you and you can leave”. “I don’t want to hear anything you have to say”. Or, “You’re dispensable and can be replaced”. Can

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