Each Morning

On February 13, 2013 my life changed forever and I developed a deeper understanding of how important each day is. A month prior to this date I frequented the gym three days per week and was in the best shape of my life since my playing days. In true Type A form, I pushed it a little too far and injured my back. Not knowing the true meaning of rest, I continued and only made things worse. I visited several doctors and specialist but no one could give me a definitive answer or treatment plan. I finally surrendered to the pain, but by that time the pain was a 30 on a scale from 1-10! I ate Ibuprofen like candy to subdue the pain. On February 12, I reached my peak of pain and experienced a pain in my stomach that I cannot put into words. I visited the hospital and collapsed on the waiting room floor, remaining there for hours.

While on the floor and in and out of consciousness… I knew something was really wrong. I remember telling my wife I loved her and calling my kids. I remember thinking, “Did I teach them enough”. I was later rushed into emergency surgery with a perforated ulcer, and my kidney only operating at 20%. I knew something was wrong, but things get real when you are told you’re dying. Things are hazy at best for the remainder of that night, but obviously I survived! A woke with a 5-inch scar up my abdomen being held together by ten staples. The healing process was gruesome, but at least I was able to heal.

Now, every day and first thing in the morning, I get to see my scar and the value of life. I pray immediately and thank God for my health, I’m thankful for my life, thankful for being pain free on a daily basis (not everyone is that lucky), thankful for the privilege to be a husband and a father, thankful to have friends and family. Simply thankful. I am honored to live this life and encourage you to enjoy the day and make the most of today! Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most. – Buddha. What will you do today to honor life? Share your comments with us at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen

Written by Andre Young

Each Morning - Andre Young