When life is great it sure is wonderful… the awesome experiences of travel, vacation, achieving your goals, relationship bliss, sunrises and sunsets, etc. No matter how great life is, you will always have to manage the lulls, ruts, boredom and routine that comes with it; and if you’re not careful… it’s the ruts or inability to enjoy the ruts that can kill you, your relationships, and the splendor of life. However, nothing hits quite like the hard times of life.
I once heard divorce compared to the natural disasters of hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes. If you’ve ever been through a break-up (let alone a nasty one)… you understand. Hard times can consist of much more: ending of friendships, major changes or life transition, loss of job, loss of identity and who you are, and all obstacles life will throw your way on route to living the life of your dreams. You have some control and can make the best plans, but life is going to happen… and when those hard times come… I implore you to go through them with Eyes Wide Open!
Most people do not like pain and will go to great lengths to avoid it. They will cringe, bare down, and do whatever it takes to make the pain stop. That may look like going back to or staying in an unhealthy relationship, alcohol or drug abuse, withdrawing all together, etc. You do not have to stay and deal, escape, or withdraw… what you can do is keep your eyes wide open while going through the tough times and events. What do I mean?
When you have to see your ex with that new person, when you have to see the person who got the promotion instead of you, when you go through loss… look at event and stare at it without avoiding your feelings or blaming others. Feel it… most likely, it won’t hurt as much the second and third times thereafter. Explore what you did great, good, and not enough to attribute to the situation. Understand what was your issue and what was their issue. Become aware of what you could control and what you could not. What you can control and what you cannot. Answers to these will leave you with the truth. It will also leave you with a better definition of YOU and a starting point to build, progress, and EVOLVE. Go through life with your eyes wide open; see clearly what life, people, events, and change has to offer you… what YOU can offer to life; and enjoy all the great, good, and change that life has in store!
Currently, what are you doing great, good, and need to improve as a person, a parent, partner, professional, son/daughter, sibling? Enjoy your evolution and share your thoughts at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow/ Happy EVOLVING!!!
written by: Andre Young