Hold It Up!

Embarrassing moments, hard-earned life lessons, setbacks, and poor decisions are all a part of life. For some it’s as small as tripping in front of a crowd and getting laughed at… for others, it’s as huge as an addiction that took years away from your life, damaged relationships, and took you to the depths of despair. Shame and guilt are two of the biggest bullies and are designed to make you feel less than, undeserving, and inadequate. Shame is an internal feeling of negativity and embarrassment focused on self and who you are at your core; while guilt focuses on your behavior and actions. So how do you move forward?

You have a monster… everyone has a monster they must deal with. For some it’s their past, their choices, their addiction, your anger, your passivity, etc. Whatever it is… at some point… you must decide to stop running from it, stop cowering, stop being embarrassed by it… turn to face it and fight your butt off! Facing it means you acknowledge it’s there. Choosing to fight allows you power. If you are going to fight… you might as well fight to win and swing for the fences!

I was talking with a woman several weeks ago and she mentioned she was a pastor. She was a dynamic individual and began to share her journey. I was amazed by her candor as she shared her story of addiction and strife. After choosing to fight… she exclaimed she cut the head off of her monster and holds it up high for everyone to see! Not shackled by guilt or shame… but powered with humbled strength. She walks with her monster’s head held high for other to witness her triumph, to show others the way, but most importantly… to strike fear in the heart of any other monster daring to come her way.

What monster have you slayed in your life? What monster lurking inside of you would you like to slay? Acknowledge it, face it, look it in its eye, cut is head off, and hold it high! You may be able to slay your monster with a series of small battles; for some it may be an all-out War World III. If you need extra assistance, seek support in your friends, family, or helping professional… you do not have to fight your war alone… but you will have to fight! Enjoy your evolution and share your thoughts at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow/  Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young