Live the Thought!

Throughout the day, you have billions of thoughts passing through your mind. Some you may ponder, some you act on, some you ignore… the thoughts you cradle will shape who you are, your relationships, and your life. Throughout my time as a Mental Health therapist and marriage counselor… I stressed the premise that your thought will impact how you feel, then what you do, and your consequences (either positive of negative). To EVOLVE and have the greatest version of your relationship/s… I implore you to live your thought! Which thought?

There are a ton of thoughts to ignore. You know the ones… the ones in which you play back arguments, win the fight, think random horrible things… only to shake it off and wonder why you thought it in the first place! The thought I’m referring to living is… that random thought of love and kindness… AND DO IT! You have experienced it…. You are going about your day and suddenly struck with a beautiful idea to pick up flowers for your wife… but the store is across town, so you don’t. You suddenly think of something sexy to buy and wear for your husband… but you are in a rush, life calls, and off you go. You think of something to do for your parents, your children, with your friends… but, but, but but. You get the picture! The truth is… life is happening and barreling down the highway of your world… it will not stop… until it stops for good. It is up to you to LIVE the THOUGHT, follow through, and have the relationships of your dreams! Many have the thought and let life get in the way… but you may also find yourself resisting the thought because you keeping relationship score; evaluating the last time they did something for you. If you don’t like the score… the thought gets erased and the deed is pushed back. You may experience fear… “What if I step forward… and nothing happens, I get rejected, or it’s not good enough?”. These are all valid concerns… however, fear has rarely built or saved relationships. LIVE your THOUGHT and live in peace in the fact you did your part and all you could!

How do you feel when your partner, family, or friend/s surprise you when it’s not your birthday or a special day? Don’t get caught saying, “I was gonna…”. The thought is nice… but your follow through is paramount and has the potential to EVOLVE a bad relationship to good… a good one to great… and a great to exceptional. The next time you think it… remember what you have read here today, remember how it made you feel… and do it! Share your thoughts at Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

Live the Thought! - Andre Young