M&W Blog – Beware the Bobbleheads!

The good times in life are great! You enjoy yourself, take great pictures, post on social media, and soak it all in. You take pride in those moments whether personally, in your relationships, or professionally. Although you may post them… we rarely share the greatness with others one on one. However, when the bad happens; personally, relationally, or professionally… you have those you can reach out to, complain to, and vent to. The ones that will listen, join in the misery, compound the negativity and tell you how right you are and how absurdly wrong the others in your life are… justifying and rationalizing your beliefs and feelings, until you are just self-righteous enough to make devastating life, relational, and professional decisions. Sound familiar? Beware of the Bubbleheads!!!

The Bobbleheads are those in your life that expand your negativity, agree with you at every turn, tell you how 100% right you are in a relationship or job issue, revolve around negativity, and do not challenge you to look at yourself in the mirror to accept your role and accountability in your life’s turmoil. Everyone needs a vent buddy from time to time; and venting serves a great purpose. However, venting should be time and people limited. Don’t vent all day and to everyone. Vent briefly, plan often, and share with few… and the few are not the Bobbleheads! Select someone you respect and admire… and share life’s difficulties with the purpose of seeking comfort, understanding, accountability, and a plan to move forward in the healthiest and most mature way possible. What Bobblehead do you need to beware of? Are you a Bobblehead? Who will be their replacement? Share your thoughts with me at the You Evolving Now Convention on 11/15/16! Come meet me, the Convention team, and EVOLVE personally, relationally, financially, and your overall health! Enjoy great food, networking, experience a life change, and begin to live your best life in all aspects and roles you play! Get your tickets today at  https://goo.gl/90m5M4

written by: Andre Young

Beware the Bobbleheads! - Andre Young