M&W Blog – Happy Wife, Happy Life? Pt. 1

Happy wife, happy wife…is the quote I hear so often. I have heard women echo this quote; quietly or loudly claiming hierarchy within the home and relationship. However, I have heard it most often from men; seeking to satisfy their partner, not enter a fight, keep the peace, and ensure smooth sailing. I cringe every time it’s said, when did men and men’s happiness become so unimportant within the relationship or marriage?

I have taken the liberty to develop my own quote…Happy Home, Happy Life! As individuals, husbands/wives, boyfriends/girlfriend I believe it’s our duty to EVOLVE and find ways to enjoy the journey of life, and seek our definition of peace and happiness. We must fill ourselves, assist our partners, and lead our children to create our happy home.

In observing men, working with men, and being a man; I have seen so many of us lose ourselves in life and relationships as we over focus on our role as a worker and the possible status that accompanies it. As we have children and families, we tend to move further down the depth chart, lose the right to decorate space in our home, maintain unhealthy friendships (just because we have been friends since childhood), and hang out for good times and relief, not necessarily to EVOLVE and live a better life. This is existing…not living! In order to live and create a happy home, as men we must seek to understand, EVOLVE, and create.

Do you understand why and how your partner thinks and behaves? Your kids? Once we know why, we can then focus on what to do next. To EVOLVE we must chose to be continuous learners in our life and in our homes; never stop learning about things that interest you, things that interest your partner, learning about your partner, your kids, and about the world around you, or current events. As a married man, when you enter home, you will discuss these three topics throughout the night: finances, the kids, and your partner’s day at work. With so many things in the world to discuss; let’s grow, EVOLVE, and talk about something different. Lastly, start creating the life you will be happy with 20 years from now. Create new and positive friendships: seek uplifting men with something to offer your life or join men clubs like Men Evolving Now. Create fun and interesting experiences: vacations, trips, visit new local places. Create a new aspect to your relationship: initiating dates, new interest, something new, and asking your partner their thoughts, wants, and needs. How would you like to make your home happier? Do you know your partner’s answer? Your kid’s? Share your thoughts at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

Happy Wife, Happy Life - Andre Young