M&W Blog – “I’m old enough and good enough!”

If you’ve had any experience being around infants… you realize how precious and innocent babies are. They are so tiny, helpless, and totally incapable of caring for themselves. Babies require time and positive attention in order to develop in mind, body, and spirt. Some animals are born and walking within minutes, but not us… We develop more slowly but have the potential to EVOLVE and exceed any normal limitations.

Potential was the key word there. Potential only refers to what you may be capable of achieving. Many will age and settle into relationships with friends, partners, or jobs and halt your potential; becoming comfortable, cared for, and lulled into contentment; just like a baby. You revert to an infant-like mindset; as if you are incapable outside of that relationship or job. Remember when you were single and cared for yourself, picked your own clothes, paid your bills, cooked, managed your own space, etc. Have you ever felt that helpless feelings while contemplating a break up or after a break up… “What will I ever do without…”.

Remember when you sought employment, went on interviews, sold yourself, had jobs and started a career? Once in that job for a while, we get comfortable and think things like…”What will I ever do without this job.” or “There’s nothing else out there for me”.

Remember in school when you sough clubs to join, in college when you got involved, when you were a part of something! Now… you hang out with the same people for no other reason than you always have, doing the same thing, and having the same scripted conversations.

I recently met with a gentleman contemplating a break-up and he said… “I’m old enough to be by myself”. His words echoed in my years and it was such a profound revelation. Yes, I’ am old enough to be by myself, care for myself, love myself, and figure out my future. I know enough, I’m worth enough, and most importantly… Good Enough. I am not suggesting anyone run out and end their relationships, cut friends, or quit their jobs, but I am suggesting that you recognize two things. First, you have made it this far and it has taken a lot of YOU to have made it to where you are now. You are old enough to be left alone; good enough and capable of success and beginning a new chapter of life or simple a new chapter of YOU! Evaluate and strengthen your gifts, improve your weaker parts, and remain an active learner in regards to self-care and improving your life in every aspect. Second, you are not an infant and you are responsible for your own life. Yes, we all need the basics, and attention, and support but you have to make a decision to be enough for you! When did you declare yourself enough? If you haven’t yet, who do you admire most and why? What do you admire most about yourself? It’s now time to create the new and EVOLVED you! What are you willing to do and learn; helping you to EVOLVE and live your best life? Share your thoughts with me at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

"I'm old enough and good enough!"