M&W Blog – “My Partner is My Best Friend”… Really!

I often hear people say, “My wife/husband is my best friend”. It sounds so awesome and so noble… I hate to disagree with them in the moment, because they are always so happy when they say it. Some may argue this and disagree, but your husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend should not be your best friend. There… I said it… so now let’s talk about it.

The title of wife and husband, boyfriend or girlfriend, should be so heavy and respected that it can stand alone; with no need of another title (best friend) to support it. The tile of husband or wife represents the most special bond two adults can share. The tile sums up the enormous and fulfilling roles of life long companions, parents, financial partners, lovers, and more! This is the person you chose and the person you prefer to spend most of your time with.

The issue I have seen throughout my years, personally and professionally, is that the couple and individuals within the couples put their heads in the sand and solely focus on their partner, new life, and family; neglecting their real “best friends”, acquaintances, and other healthy outlets (hobbies etc.). Your partner is important, but should not and cannot be your everything; only to look up one day feeling that something is missing and you have no one to call or enjoy other parts of your life with.

It’s also important to maintain best friend relationships outside of your partner… as it is easier to say and discuss real life thoughts and concerns with someone you don’t have to share a bed with. I am not suggesting that you don’t share with your partner, but it’s sometimes beneficial to have a sounding board and get feedback from a trusted and EVOLVED someone that isn’t so emotionally tied to everything you say, think, and feel. If you are loving and respecting your partner and relationship with everything you have… the title of husband, wife, boyfriend, and girlfriend is honored enough to stand alone and should not require you sacrificing other healthy relationships and “real” best friends for its sake. Share your thoughts with me at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

"My Partner is My Best Friend"... Really! - Andre Young