M&W Blog – Your Righteous Pain

Most people attempt to avoid pain at all cost and unfortunately some can’t get out of its way. There are small, big, and awful events people face every day that can change who you are, your life, and your relationships forever. At times you can minimize you’re your pain with good decisions and awareness, but other times pain will simply happen to you and it’s what you do with it that will dictate the rest of your life.

The truth is…You have pain, I have pain, we all have pain. Sometimes it’s easy to get stuck in your pain. Whatever the event… it was so traumatic for you… it’s hard to move on. Your pain becomes a righteous pain… “No one knows what I’ve been through”, “How can you understand”, “I don’t have to…”. Your pain starts to rationalize and justify your actions, your anger, your disconnection, your “I”- thinking, and blinders-on perception. Yes… your pain is important, needs to be validated, and hopefully healed as much as possible… but the truth is… those around you were also affected by your pain, have their own pain (perhaps from the same event), and are being impacted by your blinders.

So, how do you move forward? First things first, you must be ready and willing to take your pain-blinders off to see and feel everyone else. What are your feelings related to events and your pain? How do you objectively understand what happened to you, the offender’s actions, those related to the event, and yourself? What boundaries are you able and willing to set in your life for your emotional, physical, and psychological safety? Are you willing to let go and restart life as the more EVOLVE you? It’s impossible to forget… your choice to forgive… and an option to build from your pain and the events; using it to help others. Happy EVOLVING!!! If your pain is so intense that you are currently hurting yourself or others… please consider seeing a mental health professional… Your best life is waiting for you!

Share your thoughts with me at the You Evolving Now Convention on 11/15/16! Come meet me, the Convention team, and EVOLVE personally, relationally, financially, and your overall health! Enjoy great food, networking, experience a life change, and begin to live your best life in all aspects and roles you play! Get your tickets today at  https://goo.gl/90m5M4

Your Righteous Pain - Andre Young