M&W Blog – Speaking About Marriage

I met a family a few weeks ago that made me think of marriage, the importance of positive thinking, but more importantly… the importance of positive talk. Initially, everything was great. They were a big family; mom, dad, and five kids all under 7 years old (all girls). You could see the personalities beaming off of each child… along with all of the energy too! The parents were talkative and interesting people and fun to interact with. However, as time passed, the mom became increasingly agitated and began to complain about the husband’s life style habits, her home, and her life. At one point, the husband walked away and she stated, “Some people get married for love, some for money, and some for convenience. I got married for the latter”. This was a mind blowing statement; as I was a stranger, in a public setting, and it was said so effortlessly about herself, her life, and her relationship. Now… this is not a woman bashing moment as I have heard many men express unhappiness and dissatisfaction in their relationships. However, it made me think? How do YOU talk about your relationship/marriage?

It is appears to be the norm to gravitate towards negativity and complaints when in a group. Think about your time with friends or at work; its easy to complain about the weather, your job, your boss, and what everyone likes to talk about the most… their relationship. What you think impacts how you feel. What you feel impacts what you do and what you do impacts your consequences (both positive and negative. Therefore, it’s not realistic to think or talk poorly about your partner all day long; then come home and love them.

If we chose to remain in our relationship, then we are choosing the good and bad that comes with it. Instead of consistently venting about the bad, lets praise the good; not only to ourselves, but to others in our world, at work, and with friends. Praising your partner shows them love and your relationship respect. It also rubs off on those around, either helping them to do so or decreasing the amount of negativity they will bring your way. Try it… over the next week… when you talk about your husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend; say good things about them, let people know how much you care for them, compliment them, build them up. How could it hurt? How could it help? Share your thoughts at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

Speaking About Marriage - Andre Young