M&W Blog – Stop, Start, Continue!

Your alarm clock goes off; you hit snooze to enjoy that half sleep for just a while longer. You shower and begin your day. Off to wherever to make your living, interact with your co-workers, and deal with your boss and the duties of the day and it’s over. Go pick up the kids, start homework, get dinner ready. Cart the kids to their practices and games and then back home. You have the typical conversation about finances, kids, and complain about your day at work. Watch some television, check social media, etc. and off to bed… and repeat. Sound familiar? You do this day-in and day-out and this becomes your life… is this the life for you? If not, then let’s Stop, Start, Continue!

Stop! What do you know you need to stop doing in your life? What are the steps to making that happen? We all have things and habits in our lives that feel good, but have long lasting effects on us, our health, and our relationships. Perhaps it’s smoking, gossiping, engaging in the negative water-cooler conversations a work, drugs, too much cell phone and social media, etc.

Start! It’s not always enough to stop. If you stop, but having nothing to do, it’s too easy to return to old habits. What would you like to start… helping you to EVOLVE into your best self? Perhaps you’d like to start reading more, learning something new, exercising, helping around the house, taking classes, etc.

Continue! You have made it this far in life; you must be doing something right? What are you doing well? What are you doing great? Let’s enhance the good and continue the great! Imagine if you applied this to all roles you play… What will you Stop/Start/Continue as an individual, a professional, a parent, a husband/wife, a boyfriend/girlfriend, a son/daughter, a friend; helping you and your relationships EVOLVE! Share your thoughts with me at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or Twitter @dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

Stop, Start, Continue! - Andre Young