M&W Blog – Upgrade Your Legacy

It’s human nature to want your children to have more than you did: a better childhood, better things, better opportunities, and to take their life and their dreams a step past your own. The word “Better” is subjective and will mean something different to everyone reading this. The fact is… we want better for our children and the generation behind us. This does not happen on its own! The next generation, as with our own, is mixed with “Go-Getters” and over-achievers, but balanced with lethargy, negativity, “Average-Seekers”, and those that emulate what they have seen and lived throughout their lives. Therefore, it is up to you to upgrade your legacy. Your legacy is your vision and achievements, how you will be remembered, and finally who you have impacted and how their lives impact others.

So, how do you do this? You must first start with vision. What do you vision for yourself, your life, your goals? What kind of life do you envision for your children? Notice, I didn’t ask what type of job or profession you’d like your kids to have, but rather… what kind of person do you want them to be? What kind of husband/wife, mother/father, worker, friend? This vision is just the beginning! You must now plant the seeds by living your vision. Are you thinking and acting as the person you’d like to be, are you EVOLVING; creating an image that your children would benefit from copying? It’s so important to ask the generation behind you questions, hear their responses, encourage their dreams, and answer their questions. Seeds need water to grow. The water comes in the form of intentional guidance. Have you shown your child their dream? If they want to play an instrument… take them to a symphony. If they want to play sports… take them and show them their dream and say… “This is what it looks like… why not you… and this is what you have to do to make it… ready”? Money and time are can be major stressors, but don’t let that stop you… You Tube is amazing and your kids are probably on it already. Instead of funny videos, show them how to upgrade their vision and their lives by searching How-To videos etc. How can your life and their life be worse if you do? What will you do today to upgrade your legacy? Share your thoughts with me at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

Upgrade Your Legacy - Andre Young

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