M&W Blog – Win the Day!

There is a huge difference between winning the day and dealing with your day. As I have interacted with people in school, college, in the workforce, and in business; there are so many people dealing with their day, trudging through, complaining about things they knew were coming, and exhausting everyone they can with negativity and gloom. It’s as if someone barged in to their homes, roughed them up, put a gun to their heads, and made them go to school, to work, or to their business and forced them to be successful. We can all agree that this didn’t happen.

You chose to attend school today, wake and go to work, start your business, be in that relationship, have that family… then let’s act like it… and win the day. It’s up to you to strive to be the best person you can, EVOLVE in all the roles you will play today, and make an impact wherever you are and for whomever you may meet.

How do you win the day? Wake with positivity and a vision for your day. Do you have a goal you’d would like to fulfill? It could be as major as closing the biggest deal of your life. Or as simple as connecting with people throughout the day regardless of the outcome. As your day progresses… avoid the drainers, negative people, and toxic conversations. You know them… the conversations that revolve around how bad, stupid, or horrible someone’s day is, job is, relationship is. Either comment with a positive or dismiss yourself from the interaction. A simple trick I use… “What good with you today”? It encourages people to find the good; now you both have an opportunity to discuss positive things and congratulate one another. This will become contagious as they will look forward to your next encounter and expect positivity. The Negative Nancy’s will show themselves quickly and you will know who is who. Embrace every role you play and the transition. You can go from worker to parent, to husband/wife, etc. very quickly. Embrace the role and transition. Not many people are as lucky as you to have so many roles and people that value them. Throughout your experiences today, keep your eyes open and take everything in. What can you learn? Who can you learn from? What will you do next time? Finally, end your day on a positive… read something positive, watch something funny, have a different type of conversation with your partner (One of the biggest reasons I wrote the EVOLVE book; there is no reason to stop learning about the person you spend the most time with)… then and wake and repeat! Not every day is going to be the best day, but you can EVOLVE every day! Share your thoughts and feedback with me at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

Win the Day! - Andre Young