Starving People Want to Eat!

If you were starving and someone threw you a steak… would you eat it? Most likely, if someone would throw you a cracker, it would taste as good as a steak. Through my years as a therapist, marriage counselor, and CEO of You Evolving Now… it amazes me how many people I have met who were/are starving… Starving for attention, affection, their definition of love, compliments, hugs, and security.

Some starve in silence… holding emotions in, disconnecting, and withdrawing into themselves. Some starve and roar like lions… arguing, demanding, and blaming. While others attempt logic and reason… actually sharing their thoughts, feelings, and needs to significant others; only to be ignored, ridiculed, and explained various reasons why their needs are not important enough to be met at this time.

What will these starving people do? Some continue to starve and wither away within themselves and their relationships; leaving a shell of who they once were. Some bore, anger, retaliate or simply leave; ending the relationship. Some seek relief and replacement elsewhere: drugs, porn, affairs, alcohol, flirting, social media flings, etc. Let’s be clear…. This is NOT justifiable nor is it fair to blame the other person for these actions, but you must look realistically at the “Why”.

The truth is… starving people want to eat. What are you starving for as an individual, within your relationships as a partner, parent, professional, son/daughter? With your “busy” daily schedule, it becomes easy to put your partner, your kids, your parents, and yourself on hold… as if they should wait forever for you to be ready to care for them and their needs. Currently, who are you starving? What are they starving for? EVOLVE and feed the people closest to you and you may be surprised how your life transforms! Share your thoughts at Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

Starving People Want to Eat! - Andre Young