The Power of the Shovel!

As a young teenager, I was in love with basketball; with dreams of playing in the NBA. I could envision myself dribbling down the court, making moves, and being great! I went to practice, played in games, and daydreamed as may kids do. Until one day… it was winter, cold, snow all over the ground, piled high, and unfit to be outside. I saw one of the neighborhood older kids walking. I recognized him through the bundle of clothes, scarf, and hoodie. He was walking with a ball in one hand and a shovel in the other! It was the first sobering moment of my life.

In an instant… I respected HIS love for the game, his passion, his commitment. I would have never thought to do that… and understood that I liked basketball… not loved basketball. However, I later found my passion worthy of carrying a shovel for. That shovel… represents everything it will take to make your dreams come through. The dedication, motivation, inspiration, practice, and willingness to go to lengths others cannot even conceive. It’s within YOU… and waiting for you to tap into. That passion may be a sport, your business, your relationship, your children, etc.

If you know your passion… your dream… pick up the shovel and go get to work. Make your plan, make a path, and begin to practice the things you will need to do in order to be a great_________. If you don’t know your passion… What would you like your life to look like five years from now; as an individual, professionally, relationally, as a son/daughter, brother/sister, financially? What would be the necessary first steps to EVOLVE within each of those roles? Either, pick the most important YOU or the easiest one to begin and achieve and discover the power of the shovel! Happy EVOLVING!!! Share your thought at

written by: Andre Young

The Power of the Shovel! - Andre Young