Working Smarter vs. Working Harder

After all those years of schooling, plus your natural ability, determination, and work ethic… you never thought you’d be working two or more jobs just to make ends meet. It doesn’t seem fair; and unfortunately… most of the people you know are in the same position.

This has also played out in relationships; after all the bliss, infatuation, dating, compromise and sacrifice, and fun… who would have thought it would turn into a devastating break-up or divorce; but 50% of the country and 60% of remarriages experience it. So, what am I saying? There is a huge difference between working harder and working smarter.

If you are a hard worker… congratulations and you are a step ahead of the rest. Most people will do the bare minimum until they either need to work hard, pull it together at the last minute, or suddenly need to impress. So, how can you begin to work smarter? The answer is… have a dream, a plan, and formula to EVOLVE and live your best life.

Think about your work and your relationships (significant other, your children, friends, etc.), what is your dream for your work? Your relationships? In order to get there… what small things do you need to start, stop, and continue doing? What steps would you need to take to get there? Who or what do you need to invite into or out of your life to succeed?

Regarding formula… feel free to use my mine: (see my previous blog) Brainstorm, Decide, Consult, Implement, Consult, Fine-Tune, Repeat! Brainstorm your wants and dreams, decide on a plan, consult with the trusted and knowledgeable (this may include: your faith as a guide, a financial consultant, a relationship expert, reading and research, motivational/inspirational coaching, etc… build your own team and EVOLVE), implement your plan, consult with your team of trusted and knowledgeable, fine-tune it, and repeat the process.

Finally, the key to working smarter is… meeting the deepest need to your partner or your job. Those who do work harder… you will tend to work hard in your own way and what you think is right, necessary, and within your parameters. However, working smarter implies you know THEIR wants, needs, and dreams. Stop working harder and giving what you think they want and go ask them what they want, need, and dream of moving forward… and be willing to assist! How will your life be worse when you add this to your profession and relationships; being proactive instead of reactive? Don’t wait until it’s too late or you are too burnt-out to do more… or worse, your job, your partner, or other relationships can’t take any more and potentially end it with you!

Share your thoughts with me at the You Evolving Now Convention on 11/15/16! Come meet me, the Convention team, and EVOLVE personally, relationally, financially, and your overall health! Enjoy great food, networking, experience a life change, and begin to live your best life in all aspects and roles you play! Get your tickets today at

Working Smarter vs. Working Harder! - Andre Young