What Was Can’t Be What Is

Trying to recreate what was, will only take away from what is. It only makes sense that people would want to recreate parts of the past… there are some great memories back there. The first job… before the pressure and bureaucracy. The first kiss, falling in love, and the intensity. The past successes you took for granted before the life changes and failures. The past has its moments and is a great place to visit, but a dangerous place to live.

The danger lies in the fact that you will tend to romanticize the past… focusing on only the great parts… ignoring the unpleasant and attempting to recreate something that can no longer exist. Why can’t it exist? Because you are no longer that person… with life experiences come change of mind, body, and spirit. Even if you recreate the moment… YOU would be different and it may not feel, be or mean the same as it once did. You may be stuck in the past and dwelling on recreating your old body, relationship, mindset, etc…. in the meantime, missing out on what is and right in front of your face!

So now what??? Visit the past and what you enjoyed most about that time… in a job it may have been a sense of purpose and making a difference. In your relationship; perhaps it was the spark, spontaneity, or having more time. Now that you know what you are truly missing and wanting… find a way to create it in your present. Currently, what is positive in your life, job, relationships… acknowledge it, accept it, and build on it. Modify your abilities and MAKE time to create YOU. It may be impossible or unhealthy to do the things you use to do, but modify and make time to implement it into your life. Acceptance, Gratitude, and a willingness to build goes a long way! Happy EVOLVING!

Share your thoughts with me at the You Evolving Now Convention on 11/15/16! Come meet me, the Convention team, and EVOLVE personally, relationally, financially, and your overall health! Enjoy great food, networking, experience a life change, and begin to live your best life in all aspects and roles you play! Get your tickets today at  https://goo.gl/90m5M4. or www.youevolvingnow.com

written by: Andre Young

What Was Can't Be What Is- Andre Young