A Leader’s 7 Factors of Time; Evolve your time to enhance your leadership!

a leaders seven factors of time

We all know time is the most important and precious commodity we all have. More specifically, how we choose to use our time is the most important and determining factor of our success or lack thereof, professionally and personally. As a leader, whether you’re in a professional position of leadership or a leader of your own life and lifestyle, there are 7 Factors of time to consider and act upon to enhance your leadership and work/life harmony! These Factors are not steps to be taken in any particular order or to be checked off of our Type-A Personality Check-List; it’s to increase self-awareness, give your life what it needs most, be of impact to others, and will allow you to be joyful while you’re becoming your definition of success. The saddest thing is conquering the summit of success; only to be lonely, bitter, or unsatisfied when you get there. So, what are the 7 Factors of Time?


This is the Factor of Time scheduled for getting things done! To many of us wake up and simply let the day happen to us, dump on us, and beat us. A select few of us are planners and make lists to organize our day; making us feel accomplished as we get to cross-off and show the day who’s boss. However, true leaders don’t stop short of simply crossing “Have-To’s” off their list. They are mindful of their list. Are the items on your list making you “Busy” or “Better”?

Of course, there are things on your list that you “have to do” and “get to do” that need to be done; but are your DREAMS and the Plans of Action for your dreams on your daily list? This is what will separate your Go-Time, your Leadership, and your Work/Life Harmony from everyone else’s’!



Chill-Time is the Factor of Time you create to spend with friends. Everyone needs Chill-Time, even Leaders! The non-inspired and non-dreamers may live their whole life in Chill-Time; while Leaders can falter because they rarely make time for this key Factor of Time. It’s easy to get caught up in chasing our dreams, building our dreams, then maintaining or growing our singular definition of success; but we all need a “Chill Time”.

I suggest scheduling Chill-Time. I know it doesn’t sound cool or sexy, but with the pace of life… spontaneous living is harder and harder to achieve. This scheduling can be three-fold. Leaders seek other leaders… those who ooze personal leadership, leadership skills, and a similar mindset. They don’t have to be in the same field as you, can be starting their journey towards success, or may be further ahead… schedule time regularly (by your definition of regular) to sit, relax, enjoy, and engage!

Although our paths are different; I have a great time with my select friends from high school and college. Note: Many influencers promote cutting people out of your life if they aren’t on your current path of growth. I believe this is extreme and rarely needs to happen. However, you may benefit from modifying how you hang out with people from your distant past. Instead of late-night partying and behaving the way the group remembers you… try afternoon lunches, in a nice environment, and be back on your couch enjoying your loved ones or chasing your dream by early evening… BOOM! I enjoy this Factor of Chill-Time with old friends; as it’s one of the few times I just get to be Andre… and not on the fringe of networking, doing business, or making deals. This is a great and necessary time for you too!



This Factor of Time is just what it sounds like… time for YOU! I’ll keep this short… You matter and if you don’t make and take time for you it will never happen! Know what you like and need for yourself to feel joyful, happy, and full…  and schedule it in your calendar! A fulfilled and inspired leader makes a major impact within their organization, their teams, their people, families, and the world!



I discuss this Factor of Time and the fallacy of this Factor in my newest book coming later in 2020, 7 Ways to Lead! The short version is… Vacations can be great! So much in fact, one of the best experiences in my life was a cruise my wife and I went on a few years ago… I still think about it and smile! However, too many of us are overworked before our scheduled vacation, scared to take the vacation because of the piling up of work that’s going on and we must return to, haven’t invested enough time in our relationship or children to fully enjoy them on the vacation, half-way through the vacation… you realize you like your partner and kids; only to be on the back half of the vacation, the process of returning home, then hitting the ground running at work… with no reprieve to catch up from your vacation, and your company provides no time for a breath to restart! Sound familiar?

My point is… schedule lights at the end of the tunnel for yourself, your partner, and your kids… and take vacations; big and small. It may be a Staycation in your living room, but it’s yours! Also, be consistent regarding your intentional love within your relationship and with your kids; allowing you to fully enjoy the vacation once you’re there and throughout!



If you’re in a relationship, Couple-Time (Date-Time) is a “Great-Time”. Whether it’s dressing up and going somewhere fancy or a night cuddled on the couch; make and take time for your special person. It would be a shame to achieve your definition of success; only to have a relationship end due to your neglect… ending up with only half the earnings of your success because of divorce!

Most people will communicate what they need; perhaps not the way you want it communicated, but it’s been communicated nonetheless. Perhaps they were direct and asked, maybe they planned Couple-Time, maybe you fight about it all the time, or maybe they’re disconnecting. Want does your partner need most from you right now? If it’s reasonable, doable, and fair… do it! Do it consistently and a little bit out of your comfort zone and see what happens. This works professionally and personally for relationships!



Your kids love you and want your love and attention! Even those frustrating teenagers… they love you and want your love… but, maybe not so much of your attention. Put your children in your schedule, as a family, and as individuals. Family time is great and creates long-lasting memories… and of course, some short-lasting headaches! It has always amazed me how special and unique each of my children are from one another… once you take away the family environment, eliminate competition for attention, and set an expectation to put the cell phone down… they get to be THEM while with you! Put it in your calendar and enhance your leadership and work/life harmony!



This Factor of Time is about intentional growth. Leaders choose to grow and understand that change is inevitable, but growth is a choice! Choose to become an expert in your craft, your job, your profession, as a partner, a parent, and as a person. What are you currently reading and studying? Who or what do you follow on Facebook, Instagram, ect.? Is it entertaining you or evolving you? Is it making you bitter or better?

Leaders understand there’s a time for everything and leaders make time for the 7 Factors! Enjoy your professional and personal evolution!!!

“How you choose to use your time is the most important and determining factor of your success or lack thereof” – Andre Young

Written by: Andre Young

Enhance Leadership and Work/Life Harmony in your Organization, your Leaders, Employees, and Teams with Andre Young’s Speaking Engagements, Evolve & Lead Training Programs (on-site, online, or virtual), and1-on-1 Growth Sessions! www.youevolvingnow.com


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