A Leader’s Micromanging; The 5 Keys to STOP Micromanaging and START Macroleading!
Believe me, I’ve been there as an employee with someone standing over my shoulder and...
A Leader’s Fun; The 4 Keys to Creating & Maintaining Fun at Work!
Fun even the hint of the word creates tingles of anticipation and excitement! However, as...
A Leader’s Defense; The 4 Keys to Defending Your Organization’s Value to Customers & Clients!
There are many factors and tools that go into enhancing Leadership; however leadership ultimately comes...
A Leader’s Team; Utilizing Your 5 Rockstars!
I’d like to preface this by stating, EVERYONE within your organization and Team is and...
A Leader’s M.O.V.E.; The 4 Keys to Moving, Physically & Verbally, Like a Leader!
Most leaders are on the move and at a rapid pace! Don’t believe everything you...
A Leader’s Paradox; The 2 Viewpoints from Leadership & Employee on Consistently Pulling-Off “The Impossible”!
I’m honored to present my Leadership Trainings worldwide and one of the most important concepts...
A Leader’s Circle; Leaders are on Teams Too: The Power 5 to Being a Team Member!
When most people hear the word “Leader”, they may visualize one person leading a group...
A Leader’s Vacation; The 5 Keys to Vacationing Like a Leader!
It’s a sad truth so many leaders and employees are actually nervous about taking their...
A Leader’s Doorway; 4 Keys to Maintain the Harmony of Your “Open Door” Policy!
You’ve been there as a leader, you’re working in your office and someone knocks at...