How’s Your Plate?

Everyone wants the relationship of their dreams. Whether you are in a relationship right now...

Managing an Idle Life!

When things are great in your life, you know what to do, how to be...

They Make More, You Make Less. You Make More, They Make Less!

Money, power, respect is sometimes believed to be the natural progression leading to this glorious...

Stop the Hurting!

My brother and I don’t see each other often, but when we do we have...

Avoid the “I have to” Trap!

If you want to be successful, at some point you will have to choose to...

Get You Triangle Right! (Chapter 1 of my 7 Ways to Love Book)

In this frantic pace of life, it’s easy to let the daily duties of the...

You Are Owed Nothing!

No one makes it out of their childhood, teens, and adulthood without a few scars;...

Sticks and Stones!

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!”. You may...

They are Not Your Best Friend!

You may hear people say, “My partner is my best friend” and gush over the...