
M&W Blog – Fun!

So many inspirational blogs are about success and striving, but today I want to share about a different way to EVOLVE… just plain old fashion FUN! It’s easy to get caught in the cycle of chasing, attracting, and building your vision, but without fun and others to share it with; what is it all worth?

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M&W Blog – Build Your Team

I am an avid sports fan and love the intensity and passion of sports and competition. So many of fans are raptured by game day… the big game, the preparation, and the finality of a clear cut victor. As I EVOLVE, it becomes increasingly admirable the effort it takes to build a team, manage it,

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M&W Blog – Upgrade Your Legacy

It’s human nature to want your children to have more than you did: a better childhood, better things, better opportunities, and to take their life and their dreams a step past your own. The word “Better” is subjective and will mean something different to everyone reading this. The fact is… we want better for our

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M&W Blog – Create Self and Fly!

You are the only you; and always have the ability to create yourself. I cringe at the phrase, “Finding Oneself”. Throughout my years of assisting people on their journey to a better life, I often explain the difference between “Finding yourself” and “creating yourself”. “Finding” implies chance, luck, and possible exhaustion. You’ve looked for yourself

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