Disrobe and EVOLVE!

Everyone has a past… things that have happened to you, things you’ve done, and choices you’ve made that you are not proud of. There is no time machine allowing you to go back to correct what you think is broken and the truth is… if you did go back and change things… it would only prove to make things different, not necessarily better. The life of your dreams will begin when you can disrobe, stand bare in your truth, your past, your life… with head and chest held high… and accept all that is YOU.

YOU are your experiences, both good and bad… being able to accept your choices and events that have occurred to you is the first step to EVOLVING. Notice I said accept… not be proud of or like. Accepting allows you to examine your past with eyes wide open… looking for what you learned from those experiences, how to improve moving forward, and ways to impact others with your advice and life lessons.

Shame and guilt are heavy bags to carry… often making you emotionally and psychologically heavy; crushing your spirit and eventually your partners and those you love. If you can imagine someone disrobing in public… standing there in all their glory… and proud as a peacock for the world to see. No matter what they look like or what you may think… you may be impressed or even a bit envious of their ability to be so forth coming, proud of their body, and unflappable in the face of scrutiny.

There is nothing more gratifying than disrobing the true YOU and being confident enough that the opinion of others will make you waver. This is what YOU must do emotionally for YOU! Disrobe your negativity, shame, and guilt… stand in front of a mirror, look yourself in the eye… say what you are thinking, forgive yourself, make a positive life vision, say it aloud, lift up your chest and chin, and EVOLVE! Disrobe your feelings to your partner…. Just as much as you’d like them to… they cannot read your mind and often have no idea what’s really going on in there. This is only the first step, I will cover more in upcoming blogs to live your best life: Disrobe, Forgive, Strategize, Live! If you are truly struggling emotionally or psychologically; causing an impact in your day-to-day, social, and/or occupational life… please consider meeting with a professional to walk this journey with you. Share your thoughts at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow/ Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

Disrobe and EVOLVE!- Andre Young