Marry Yourself!

Years ago, Dennis Rodman, a NBA superstar made news for marrying himself. I remember watching the news and looking at this 6’9 man, with a blonde wig, horse-drawn carriage, and long white wedding dress do something the world had never seen done. The world went crazy and there were so many negative remarks made about him and his decision that the event became a spectacle and the meaning was missed. That event has stayed in my mind, impacted my life, and can help us to EVOLVE as individuals and all roles we play. I’m not prepared to wear a wedding dress or wig, but I am prepared for the concept of marrying yourself!

It is the goal of many to stand side by side with your significant other in front of family, friends, and the world to profess your love, make commitments, vows of honor, love, respect, and dedication through the best and worst of life. Isn’t it odd that we make these commitments and promises to others before we make them to ourselves? You offer yourself fully to another; sometimes before you know who you really are, sometimes to feel whole, or because marriage is the next box to check off on your life-list, etc. What if you declared a day to EVOLVE, make vows and commitments for and to yourself. “I vow to see myself as worthy, special, unique, and powerful, to have and to cherish from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do I part.” “I _______, accept me and promise to be my best self and EVOLVE with every experience.”

Regarding Marriage, I often hear the words sacrifice and compromise… over and over again. Yes, these two words are immensely important, but it can’t always be about those two words. YOU are important too and need to be the fullest you in order to give as a partner, parent, professional, sibling, etc. It can become easy and sound noble to sacrifice yourself for the good of the relationship and others; as I have discussed in previous blogs.

What if you began to treat yourself the way you wished your partner would treat you? Compliment yourself, date yourself and treat yourself, say nice things to yourself, celebrate your accomplishments, pick yourself up when down, pay yourself attention, and allow yourself to rest when needed. Marrying yourself doesn’t sound like a crazy idea after all… Declare a day, EVOLVE, make vows for yourself, and commit to love, cherish, and honor YOU! Enjoy your evolution and share your thoughts with me at Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young