M&W Blog – That Feeling!

Spring is one of my favorite times of year. Life is being restored right in front of our faces. The rain brings flowers to bloom, the return of the color green in the grass, lawns, and trees, blue skies, and white puffy clouds! I am also a football guy and love watching the NFL draft! To watch a person’s dream come true; all they have ever worked for and could dream of… sudden a reality. Their willingness to prove themselves, earn their way, and make a difference within their new team, city, and family! It gives me… That Feeling!

The feeling of a new beginning, a new start, and a new opportunity to impact the world and win the moment. That moment may be different for all of us. For some it may be a parenting moment, a relationship moment, beating an urge, making a sale, overcoming the negativity around you and keeping your peace of mind by walking away or changing the conversation. No matter big or small, a win is a win and they all add up to make a winning season. That Feeling, is there for all of us to capture today. I encourage all of us to get up, gear up, and look to do YOUR best and win every moment today! Share your thoughts at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

That Feeling! - Andre Young