M&W Blog – Men Build, Boys Destroy

I remember watching my boys play when they were younger; they would build structures with their blocks or Legos. I would watch the creativity and attention to detail that went into building such imaginative structures… and suddenly… they would knock it down! Either punch it, kick it, or their favorite… throwing blocks at it until it was fully demolished. As I watched this repeat, it dawned on me that so many of our boys and young men do this to themselves, others, and within relationships.

So many boys and young men, including myself, have put so much time and effort into building the outside, but very little in establishing our foundation and strengthen our supports. It becomes important to look the part, dress the part, act the part, but there is something missing that no one can really see. Boys destroy the esteem and will of their partners, parents, those around them, and sometimes themselves. As I mention boys and young men; realize I have not mentioned an age. There are 40-year-old boys and 18-year-old men. I believe we begin the transition and of journey of manhood when we begin to build ourselves from the inside, build others around us, accept responsibility for our actions both positive and negative, and manage our urges. “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should”.

I always snicker at the commercials that are supposed to symbolize a “Real Man”. The ones with the big truck, deep voice, riding through the mud, and on their way to build something. I tip my hat to those guys; I wish I could build things with my hands… but my specialty seems to be duct tape and then calling my wife for help. The real building that makes a man has little to do with hammers and nails, but everything to do with building up your wife or girlfriend, your brothers and sisters, your parents, co-workers, and even your boss. Men build, boys destroy – Andre Young. Ok men… it’s time to EVOLVE, how will you make an impact and who will you build up today? Share your thoughts at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

Men Build, Boys Destroy - Andre Young