M&W Blog – Success (Pt. 2)

Embrace Obligation – Andre Young

Here is the second step in my Formula for success; Embracing Obligation! We all have things we enjoy about our passions, jobs, and various roles we play as husbands/boyfriends, wives/girlfriends, sons/daughters, siblings, etc. It’s easy to do the things we like within these roles; but a bit harder to do the things we don’t like. The key to success, is finding a way to embrace the obligations and less glamourous parts of your passion.

As business man, I really dislike cold-calling other businesses or people in order to make a connection. It’s odd, feels rushed, and cold. However, at times it’s a necessary evil that allows the community to know that you exist, as well as make sales. As a younger athlete, I used to HATE leg-day at the gym! But where does your true strength come from? Where does your explosion come from? Your balance and speed? Any athlete knows that it’s all about your legs and core. Mike Tyson said it best, “In order to be great and be a champion you must learn to do what you hate as if you love it”. What is your passion within the various roles you play? What do you dislike doing the most within those roles?

I have chosen to adopt Mike Tyson’s quote and embraced the obligations in my life. It’s not always easy and some days I do better than others. Regarding my business, I have schedule my cold-calls and use them as a learning process of how to perfect my pitch, but more importantly learn about the company and their current needs. Perhaps I can sell my service or not, but I can take what I’ve learned and now apply to other points of connection. In my relationship, it became difficult for me to hear about my wife’s day while in the middle of transporting the kids and the hectic pace of life. I want to stay connected with my life and I love her, so it was imperative to find a way to embrace the obligation of listing and supporting. Now, we wait until 9:30pm. When the kids go up, we go up, and share about each other’s day with a glass of wine and less stress. What obligation will you find a way to embrace; EVOLVING your relationships and you as a person? Share your comments with me at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow and www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen. I look forward to hearing from you. Happy EVOLVING!!!

Success - Step 2 - Andre Young