M&W Blog – Temptations

Temptations… we all have them! For some of us it’s sweets, fast food, men, women, sex, spending, attention, etc. Being tempted is not the issue, falling into temptation is what kills us, our spirit, and our relationships. What if we could change our temptations; making them more positive and beneficial for our lives?

So many of us have fallen into temptations with full awareness of the downside and negative impact it will have in our lives. Why do we do this? That momentary pleasure and immediate gratification of eating that burger, accepting attention from someone you shouldn’t, drinking that drink…feels so good in that moment. It’s an ego boost, makes us feel alive, satisfies an urge, and relives stress. So what’s the bad part? Usually, falling into temptation is terrible for your health or the health of your relationship. Deteriorating your life slowly and sometimes unnoticeably until the end is unavoidable. I have found that finding the “Why” to our temptation is an important piece of life, becoming a man or woman, and balancing life; allowing for both fun and health.

Why does someone like “attention” and what are they getting out of it? The Love language for some people is, words of affirmation. Receiving attention in this manner naturally provides good feelings, confidence, and an ego boost. Why are some people tempted by sex? They may feel a sense of release or escape. A sense of feeling wanted, cared for, or in control, etc. Why does the diabetic continue to eat poorly? Perhaps they have been through so much pain, the food is a reward; if life is short then might as well enjoy. I am sure there are a hundreds more reasons for all of these scenarios; the point is to focus on the “Why” not the “What”.

If we can focus on our “Why”, we can adjust our temptations, and live our best lives! Life is about balance. If we are eating unhealthy food to enjoy life, perhaps we can add other exciting aspects to our life and balance the diet as a compromise. If someone is seeking or needs “attention”, perhaps they can develop other aspects of themselves personally or professionally to receive attention in a more appropriate and positive manner.

After recognizing my temptations and finding my “Why”, I have managed to transform my life, define myself as a man, and live my best life as an individual, husband, father, and professional. My “Why” led me to understand that I enjoy positive attention and quality time. Nowadays, I am tempted to date my wife, enjoy all of the crazy experiences and the roller-coaster ride of having teen-age children, I’m tempted to make an impact and work my business, I’m tempted to vacation and EVOLVE! Exploring our temptation is the Gateway to EVOLVING and living your best life… then comes the work of understanding your “Why”, replacing behaviors, and EVOLVING! Looking back, what temptations have you resisted; leading to better habits and a better life? What temptations do you need to resist currently; allowing you to EVOLVE? Share your thoughts at www.facebook.com/menevolvingnow or www.twitter.com/dremenandwomen . Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

Temptation - Andre Young