Peace of Mind is not Free!

Peace of Mind… Everyone wants it, few ever really get it, and even fewer maintain it. It’s a crazy life we all get to live and the rollercoaster of the day, week, years, and decades can take you on some awesome highs, devastating lows, and uncertain twists and turns. Wouldn’t it be nice to go through the ride of life with more Peace of Mind? But what is it really? Peace of mind embodies your ability and capacity to understand and accept others, acknowledgment of self, commitment to EVOLVING, learning the art of letting go, and the strength of forgiveness… resulting in a calm and grace most people will gravitate to, but struggle to understand.

For this… peace of mind is not free! It will cost you: pride, blame, hostility, laziness, and immaturity. You will have to give these things up in order to live the lifestyle you desire. Picture your dream life? Now picture your dream life as a mother/father? A partner? A professional? A sibling? What did you picture? It’s hard to have the life and relationships of your dreams with pride, blame, hostility, laziness, and immaturity in the way.

Your ability to understand others, not condone, but understand their thoughts and feelings; and accept them as they are (not how you think they should be) is a special power! It becomes immensely harder if they are emotionally close to you as a child, parent, etc. However, the goal isn’t to change them… the goal is to listen then plant seeds of wisdom. Once planted… you have no control over when it blooms. Frustrating… but the truth!

Be sure to examine YOU… people will come and go, but YOU are with YOU forever. Acknowledge your strengths and weakness. Enhance your strengths and decide which weaknesses matter enough to you to address. There are some weaknesses you may be OK with leaving the way they are and have no real bearing on your life. As a 40 year old man that has never been good with math… I’ve made my peace. I’ve graduated high school, college, and a Master’s Program and had my tutoring in math along the way. My weakness in math is not important enough for me to stress and worry about… I’m at peace and will use the calculator on my phone when necessary and can hire math wizards to do my accounting. After acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses… commit yourself to yourself. YOU are important… be an active learner of people and things you are interested in and be sure give back.

Learn to let go. The only thing and person you can control is you. Be your best self, live your best life, and fulfill your dreams. Trying to do this for anyone else is the opposite of Peace of Mind.

Feel the power of forgiveness and read my pervious articles on forgiveness. Peace of Mind is calm and light… holding onto wrong doings and past transgressions is chaotic and heavy. Who would you like to forgive? Who has forgiven you?

Peace of mind is not free… it will cost you giving up the negative components of your life and the task of replacing them with a healthier way of thinking, feeling, and doing. Most are used to the stormy seas of life… enjoy the calm, find its beauty, and EVOLVE! Share your thoughts at Happy EVOLVING!!!

written by: Andre Young

Peace of Mind is not Free! - Andre Young