
The Power of Your Words!

Remember the old saying, “Stick and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you”? It’s amazing how something so untrue ever became so famous. The truth is words are all powerful! The words you speak to yourself and others have the power to build up or tear down. Words hurt and can […]

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Perfect Practice!

The saying, “Practice makes perfect”, gives credit to an individual’s or team’s effort, discipline, and dedication… but… “Practice makes perfect” is a scary saying and incomplete at best. It’s true… anything you practice over and over, you will get better at and improve, but what if you are practicing the wrong thing and the wrong

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Forgive or Not to Forgive

Forgiveness is such an immense topic and dictates the lives of so many for better or worse. We have all be impacted by the hurt from others and bare the scars that tell our story; some physical, but most emotional. I have found that sometimes, the hardest person to forgive can be yourself. Throughout my

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Peace of Mind is not Free!

Peace of Mind… Everyone wants it, few ever really get it, and even fewer maintain it. It’s a crazy life we all get to live and the rollercoaster of the day, week, years, and decades can take you on some awesome highs, devastating lows, and uncertain twists and turns. Wouldn’t it be nice to go

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Disrobe and EVOLVE!

Everyone has a past… things that have happened to you, things you’ve done, and choices you’ve made that you are not proud of. There is no time machine allowing you to go back to correct what you think is broken and the truth is… if you did go back and change things… it would only

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Cheaters Beware!

The typical thought that may come to mind when you hear the word “Cheater” is infidelity. Or… someone making a decision to deceive another for the purpose of individual gain. In focusing on the “Why” someone cheats… instead of that they cheated can teach you quite a bit. Some cheat because of unmet needs, variety,

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Trust Issues?

Trust… some would argue to be the most important building block in having and maintaining relationships. When trust is broken… you feel devastated, betrayed, violated, and like a fool. The rebuilding process is arduous and although you may forgive… you will never forget. But, what is trust… how do you define it? Webster’s Dictionary defines

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Raising Teenagers?

Remember when you were a teen? The fun you had, spending time with friends, the parties and get togethers, the angst, heartbreak, high school, college. Wow… what a time of life! In some ways… it can be seen as the best time of life… in others, you couldn’t pay me enough to go back there!

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Starving People Want to Eat!

If you were starving and someone threw you a steak… would you eat it? Most likely, if someone would throw you a cracker, it would taste as good as a steak. Through my years as a therapist, marriage counselor, and CEO of You Evolving Now… it amazes me how many people I have met who

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Be a C.E.O.!

What comes to mind when you think of the title CEO? Some think the fitted suits, board meetings, managing, and money. Hollywood has depicted quite the picture of what a CEO looks like… and this may be true in some aspects. Other CEO’s may wear jeans or shorts and look nothing like the picture you

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